Brown University
1Name of the institution
 Brown University
2City, State where institution is located
 Providence, Rhode Island
 United States of America
4Institution's webpage (URL)
6Course 1 (Name of the Course)
 Beginning Hindi Or Urdu (HN 10-20)
7Course 1 - Short Description or URL
 Training in conversation, reading, and writing of modern standard Hindi and some elements of Urdu. The Devanagari script is taught. Emphasis is on the active use of the language. Those who already know the Devanagari but have rusty conversation skills may join the class second semester with the instructor's permission, which should be obtained before the end of the first semester. Those who prefer to learn Urdu and the Persian script should contact the instructor.
8Course 2 (Name of the Course)
 Intermediate Hindi-Urdu (HN 30-40)
9Course 2 - Short Description or URL
 A continuation of HN 10-20, which is a prerequisite. Introduces the variation of the Persian script used for Urdu. Prepares students to communicate in written and spoken language. Activities are conducted in Hindi/Urdu. Meets four hours weekly.
10Course 3 (Name of the Course)
 Advanced Hindi-Urdu (HN 108)
11Course 3 - Short Description or URL
 At this stage of proficiency, each student may follow an independent reading list that will be determined in consultation with the instructor and will depend on the student's needs and goals. The readings may include folk tales, journalistic prose, 20th-century literature, classical Urdu poetry of the 17th to 19th centuries, or subjects in nonfiction of special interest to the student. The class meets together three hours weekly for discussion. Each student will also spend one hour weekly with the instructor. May be repeated once for credit.
22Professor 1 - Name
  Leela Gandhi
23Professor 1 - Title / URL
 Associate Director, Center for Contemporary South Asia
33Email Address
34Your Name
 Dr. Manpreet Kaur

HindiSePyarHai project has been launched to accomplish certain tasks which remain to be completed in the Hindi language.
A project run by Hindi-loving volunteers, HindiSePyarHai invites you to also be a part of the initiative.

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